Source code for

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
from natsort import natsorted

import multiprocessing
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

from typing import List, Tuple
from pegasusio import UnimodalData, MultimodalData, read_input

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def estimate_background_probs(hashing_data: UnimodalData, random_state: int = 0) -> None: """For cell-hashing data, estimate antibody background probability using KMeans algorithm. Parameters ---------- hashing_data: ``UnimodalData`` Annotated data matrix for antibody. random_state: ``int``, optional, default: ``0`` Random seed set for reproducing results. Returns ------- ``None`` Update ``hashing_data.uns``: * ``hashing_data.uns["background_probs"]``: estimated antibody background probability. Example ------- >>> estimate_background_probs(hashing_data) """ hashing_data.obs["counts"] = hashing_data.X.sum(axis=1).A1 counts_log10 = np.log10(hashing_data.obs["counts"].values.reshape(-1, 1)) kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=random_state).fit(counts_log10) signal = 0 if kmeans.cluster_centers_[0] > kmeans.cluster_centers_[1] else 1 hashing_data.obs["hto_type"] = "background" hashing_data.obs.loc[kmeans.labels_ == signal, "hto_type"] = "signal" idx = np.isin(hashing_data.obs["hto_type"], "background") pvec = hashing_data.X[idx,].sum(axis=0).A1 back_probs = pvec / pvec.sum() idx = back_probs <= 0.0 if idx.sum() > 0: logger.warning(f"Detected {idx.sum()} antibody barcodes {','.join(hashing_data.var_names[idx])} with 0 counts in the background! These barcodes are likely not in the experiment and thus removed.") hashing_data._inplace_subset_var(~idx) back_probs = back_probs[~idx] hashing_data.uns["background_probs"] = back_probs"Background probability distribution is estimated.")
def estimate_probs(arr: List[float], pvec: List[float], alpha: float, alpha_noise: float, tol: float) -> List[float]: probs = np.zeros(pvec.size + 1) old_probs = np.zeros(pvec.size + 1) z = np.zeros(pvec.size + 1) noise = pvec.size # Estimate MLE without Generalized Dirichlet prior probs_mle = arr / arr.sum() probs[noise] = (probs_mle / pvec).min() + 0.01 probs[:-1] = np.maximum(probs_mle - probs[noise] * pvec, 0.01) probs = probs / probs.sum() # EM algorithm i = 0 eps = 1.0 while eps > tol: i += 1 old_probs[:] = probs[:] # E step z[:-1] = alpha - 1.0 z[noise] = alpha_noise - 1.0 for j in range(pvec.size): if arr[j] > 0: p = probs[j] / (probs[noise] * pvec[j] + probs[j]) z[j] += arr[j] * p z[noise] += arr[j] * (1.0 - p) # M step idx = z > 0.0 probs[idx] = z[idx] / z[idx].sum() probs[~idx] = 0.0 eps = np.linalg.norm(probs - old_probs, ord=1) # print ("i = {}, eps = {:.2g}.".format(i, eps)) return probs def get_droplet_info(probs: List[float], sample_names: List[str]) -> Tuple[str, str]: ids = np.nonzero(probs >= 0.1)[0] ids = ids[np.argsort(probs[ids])[::-1]] return ( "singlet" if ids.size == 1 else "doublet", ",".join([sample_names[i] for i in ids]), ) def calc_demux(rna_data: UnimodalData, hashing_data: UnimodalData, nsample: int, min_signal: float, probs: str = "raw_probs") -> None: demux_type = np.full(rna_data.shape[0], "unknown", dtype="object") assignments = np.full(rna_data.shape[0], "", dtype="object") signals = hashing_data.obs["counts"].reindex(rna_data.obs_names, fill_value=0.0).values * ( 1.0 - rna_data.obsm[probs][:, nsample] ) idx = signals >= min_signal tmp = rna_data.obsm[probs][idx,] norm_probs = tmp[:, 0:nsample] / (1.0 - tmp[:, nsample])[:, None] values1 = [] values2 = [] for i in range(norm_probs.shape[0]): droplet_type, droplet_id = get_droplet_info(norm_probs[i,], hashing_data.var_names) values1.append(droplet_type) values2.append(droplet_id) demux_type[idx] = values1 rna_data.obs["demux_type"] = pd.Categorical( demux_type, categories=["singlet", "doublet", "unknown"] ) assignments[idx] = values2 rna_data.obs["assignment"] = pd.Categorical( assignments, categories=natsorted(np.unique(assignments)) ) def has_duplicate_names(names: List[str]) -> bool: for name in names: if name.find(".#~") >= 0: return True return False def remove_suffix(assigns: List[str]) -> pd.Categorical: assigns = assigns.astype(str) results = [] for value in assigns: fields = value.split(",") for i, item in enumerate(fields): pos = item.find(".#~") if pos >= 0: fields[i] = item[:pos] results.append(",".join(fields)) results = np.array(results) return pd.Categorical(results, categories=natsorted(np.unique(results)))
[docs]def demultiplex( rna_data: UnimodalData, hashing_data: UnimodalData, min_signal: float = 10.0, alpha: float = 0.0, alpha_noise: float = 1.0, tol: float = 1e-6, n_threads: int = 1, ): """Demultiplexing cell/nucleus-hashing data, using the estimated antibody background probability calculated in ``demuxEM.estimate_background_probs``. Parameters ---------- rna_data: ``UnimodalData`` Data matrix for gene expression matrix. hashing_data: ``UnimodalData`` Data matrix for HTO count matrix. min_signal: ``float``, optional, default: ``10.0`` Any cell/nucleus with less than ``min_signal`` hashtags from the signal will be marked as ``unknown``. alpha: ``float``, optional, default: ``0.0`` The Dirichlet prior concentration parameter (alpha) on samples. An alpha value < 1.0 will make the prior sparse. alpha_noise: ``float``, optional, default: ``1.0`` The Dirichlet prior concenration parameter on the background noise. tol: ``float``, optional, default: ``1e-6`` Threshold used for the EM convergence. n_threads: ``int``, optional, default: ``1`` Number of threads to use. Must be a positive integer. Returns ------- ``None`` Update ``data.obs``: * ``data.obs["demux_type"]``: Demultiplexed types of the cells. Either ``singlet``, ``doublet``, or ``unknown``. * ``data.obs["assignment"]``: Assigned samples of origin for each cell barcode. * ``data.obs["assignment.dedup"]``: Only exist if one sample name can correspond to multiple feature barcodes. In this case, each feature barcode is assigned a unique sample name. Examples -------- >>> demultiplex(rna_data, hashing_data) """ nsample = hashing_data.shape[1] rna_data.uns["background_probs"] = hashing_data.uns["background_probs"] assert (rna_data.uns["background_probs"] <= 0.0).sum() == 0 idx_df = rna_data.obs_names.isin(hashing_data.obs_names) hashing_data.obs["rna_type"] = "background" hashing_data.obs.loc[rna_data.obs_names[idx_df], "rna_type"] = "signal" if nsample == 1: logger.warning("Detected only one barcode, no need to demultiplex!") rna_data.obsm["raw_probs"] = np.zeros((rna_data.shape[0], nsample + 1)) rna_data.obsm["raw_probs"][:, 0] = 1.0 rna_data.obsm["raw_probs"][:, 1] = 0.0 rna_data.obs["demux_type"] = "singlet" rna_data.obs["assignment"] = hashing_data.var_names[0] else: if nsample == 2: logger.warning("Detected only two barcodes, demultiplexing accuracy might be affected!") ncalc = idx_df.sum() if ncalc < rna_data.shape[0]: nzero = rna_data.shape[0] - ncalc logger.warning( "Warning: {} cells do not have ADTs, percentage = {:.2f}%.".format( nzero, nzero * 100.0 / rna_data.shape[0] ) ) hto_small = hashing_data[rna_data.obs_names[idx_df],].X.toarray() rna_data.obsm["raw_probs"] = np.zeros((rna_data.shape[0], nsample + 1)) rna_data.obsm["raw_probs"][:, nsample] = 1.0 iter_array = [ (hto_small[i,], hashing_data.uns["background_probs"], alpha, alpha_noise, tol) for i in range(ncalc) ] with multiprocessing.Pool(n_threads) as pool: rna_data.obsm["raw_probs"][idx_df, :] = pool.starmap(estimate_probs, iter_array) calc_demux(rna_data, hashing_data, nsample, min_signal) if has_duplicate_names(hashing_data.var_names): rna_data.obs["assignment.dedup"] = rna_data.obs["assignment"] rna_data.obs["assignment"] = remove_suffix(rna_data.obs["assignment"].values)"Demultiplexing is done.")
[docs]def attach_demux_results(input_rna_file: str, rna_data: UnimodalData) -> MultimodalData: """ Write demultiplexing results into raw gene expression matrix. Parameters ---------- input_rna_file: ``str`` Input file for the raw gene count matrix. rna_data: ``UnimodalData`` Processed gene count matrix containing demultiplexing results Returns ------- ``MultimodalData`` A multimodal data object. Examples -------- >>> data = attach_demux_results('raw_data.h5', rna_data) """ demux_results = read_input(input_rna_file) # Assume all matrices are of the same dimension assert demux_results.uns["modality"] == "rna" barcodes = demux_results.obs_names idx = barcodes.isin(rna_data.obs_names) selected = barcodes[idx] demux_type = np.empty(barcodes.size, dtype="object") demux_type[:] = "" demux_type[idx] = rna_data.obs.loc[selected, "demux_type"] assignment = np.empty(barcodes.size, dtype="object") assignment[:] = "" assignment[idx] = rna_data.obs.loc[selected, "assignment"] assignment_dedup = None if "assignment.dedup" in rna_data.obs: assignment_dedup = np.empty(barcodes.size, dtype="object") assignment_dedup[:] = "" assignment_dedup[idx] = rna_data.obs.loc[selected, "assignment.dedup"] for keyword in demux_results.list_data(): unidata = demux_results.get_data(keyword) assert unidata.uns["modality"] == "rna" unidata.obs["demux_type"] = demux_type unidata.obs["assignment"] = assignment if assignment_dedup is not None: unidata.obs["assignment.dedup"] = assignment_dedup"Demultiplexing results are added to raw expression matrices.") return demux_results