Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

import gzip
import logging
import os.path
import re
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict

import anndata
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tables
from import mmread
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, issparse

from . import Array2D, MemData
from .anndata_legacy import _to_dict_fixed_width_arrays, _parse_whitelist, _update_backed_h5ad

logger = logging.getLogger("pegasus")
from pegasus.utils import decorators as pg_deco

def load_10x_h5_file_v2(h5_in: "tables.File", fn: str, ngene: int = None) -> "MemData":
    """Load 10x v2 format matrix from hdf5 file


    h5_in : tables.File
        An instance of tables.File class that is connected to a 10x v2 formatted hdf5 file.
    fn : `str`
        File name, can be used to indicate channel-specific name prefix.
    ngene : `int`, optional (default: None)
        Minimum number of genes to keep a barcode. Default is to keep all barcodes.


    An MemData object containing genome-Array2D pair per genome.

    >>> io.load_10x_h5_file_v2(h5_in)

    data = MemData()
    for group in h5_in.list_nodes("/", "Group"):
        genome = group._v_name

        M, N = h5_in.get_node("/" + genome + "/shape").read()
        mat = csr_matrix(
                h5_in.get_node("/" + genome + "/data").read(),
                h5_in.get_node("/" + genome + "/indices").read(),
                h5_in.get_node("/" + genome + "/indptr").read(),
            shape=(N, M),

        barcodes = h5_in.get_node("/" + genome + "/barcodes").read().astype(str)
        ids = h5_in.get_node("/" + genome + "/genes").read().astype(str)
        names = h5_in.get_node("/" + genome + "/gene_names").read().astype(str)

        array2d = Array2D(
            {"barcodekey": barcodes}, {"featurekey": ids, "featurename": names}, mat

        data.addData(genome, array2d)

    return data

def load_10x_h5_file_v3(h5_in: "tables.File", fn: str, ngene: int = None) -> "MemData":
    """Load 10x v3 format matrix from hdf5 file


    h5_in : tables.File
        An instance of tables.File class that is connected to a 10x v3 formatted hdf5 file.
    fn : `str`
        File name, can be used to indicate channel-specific name prefix.
    ngene : `int`, optional (default: None)
        Minimum number of genes to keep a barcode. Default is to keep all barcodes.


    An MemData object containing genome-Array2D pair per genome.

    >>> io.load_10x_h5_file_v3(h5_in)

    M, N = h5_in.get_node("/matrix/shape").read()
    bigmat = csr_matrix(
        shape=(N, M),
    barcodes = h5_in.get_node("/matrix/barcodes").read().astype(str)
    genomes = h5_in.get_node("/matrix/features/genome").read().astype(str)
    ids = h5_in.get_node("/matrix/features/id").read().astype(str)
    names = h5_in.get_node("/matrix/features/name").read().astype(str)

    data = MemData()
    for genome in np.unique(genomes):
        idx = genomes == genome

        barcode_metadata = {"barcodekey": barcodes}
        feature_metadata = {"featurekey": ids[idx], "featurename": names[idx]}
        mat = bigmat[:, idx].copy()
        array2d = Array2D(barcode_metadata, feature_metadata, mat)

        data.addData(genome, array2d)

    return data

def load_10x_h5_file(input_h5: str, ngene: int = None) -> "MemData":
    """Load 10x format matrix (either v2 or v3) from hdf5 file


    input_h5 : `str`
        The matrix in 10x v2 or v3 hdf5 format.
    ngene : `int`, optional (default: None)
        Minimum number of genes to keep a barcode. Default is to keep all barcodes.


    An MemData object containing genome-Array2D pair per genome.

    >>> io.load_10x_h5_file('example_10x.h5')

    fn = os.path.basename(input_h5)[:-3]

    data = None
    with tables.open_file(input_h5) as h5_in:
            node = h5_in.get_node("/matrix")
            data = load_10x_h5_file_v3(h5_in, fn, ngene)
        except tables.exceptions.NoSuchNodeError:
            data = load_10x_h5_file_v2(h5_in, fn, ngene)

    return data

def _enumerate_files(path: str, parts: List[str], repl_list1: List[str], repl_list2: List[str] = None) -> str:
    """ Enumerate all possible file names """
    if len(parts) <= 2:
        for token in repl_list1:
            parts[-1] = token
            candidate = os.path.join(path, ''.join(parts))
            if os.path.isfile(candidate):
                return candidate
        assert len(parts) == 4
        for p2 in repl_list1:
            parts[1] = p2
            for p4 in repl_list2:
                parts[3] = p4
                candidate = os.path.join(path, ''.join(parts))
                if os.path.isfile(candidate):
                    return candidate
    return None

def _locate_barcode_and_feature_files(path: str, fname: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    """ Locate barcode and feature files (with path) based on mtx file name (no suffix)
    barcode_file = feature_file = None
    if fname == "matrix":
        barcode_file = _enumerate_files(path, [''], ["cells.tsv.gz", "cells.tsv", "barcodes.tsv.gz", "barcodes.tsv"])
        feature_file = _enumerate_files(path, [''], ["genes.tsv.gz", "genes.tsv", "features.tsv.gz", "features.tsv"])
        p1, p2, p3 = fname.partition("matrix")
        if p2 == '' and p3 == '':
            barcode_file = _enumerate_files(path, [p1, ''], [".barcodes.tsv.gz", ".barcodes.tsv", ".cells.tsv.gz", ".cells.tsv", "_barcode.tsv", ".barcodes.txt"])
            feature_file = _enumerate_files(path, [p1, ''], [".genes.tsv.gz", ".genes.tsv", ".features.tsv.gz", ".features.tsv", "_gene.tsv", ".genes.txt"])
            barcode_file = _enumerate_files(path, [p1, '', p3, ''], ["barcodes", "cells"], [".tsv.gz", ".tsv"])
            feature_file = _enumerate_files(path, [p1, '', p3, ''], ["genes", "features"], [".tsv.gz", ".tsv"])

    if barcode_file is None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot find barcode file!")
    if feature_file is None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot find feature file!")

    return barcode_file, feature_file

def _load_barcode_metadata(barcode_file: str) -> "pd.DataFrame":
    """ Load cell barcode information """
    barcode_metadata = pd.read_csv(barcode_file, sep="\t", header=None)
    if "cellkey" in barcode_metadata.iloc[0].values:
        # HCA DCP format
        barcode_metadata = pd.DataFrame(data = barcode_metadata.iloc[1:].values, columns = barcode_metadata.iloc[0])
        barcode_metadata.rename(columns={"cellkey": "barcodekey"}, inplace=True)
        # Other format, only one column containing the barcode is expected
        barcode_metadata = pd.read_csv(barcode_file, sep="\t", header=None, names=["barcodekey"])

    return barcode_metadata

def _load_feature_metadata(feature_file: str) -> Tuple["pd.DataFrame", str]:
    """ Load feature information """
    feature_metadata = pd.read_csv(feature_file, sep="\t", header=None)
    format_type = ""
    if "featurekey" in feature_metadata.iloc[0].values:
        # HCA DCP format genes.tsv.gz
        feature_metadata = pd.DataFrame(data = feature_metadata.iloc[1:].values, columns = feature_metadata.iloc[0])
        format_type = "HCA DCP"
        assert feature_metadata.shape[1] <= 3
        col_names = ["featurekey", "featurename", "featuretype"]
        # shape[1] = 3 -> 10x v3, 2 -> 10x v2, 1 -> scumi, dropEst, BUStools
        feature_metadata.columns = col_names[:feature_metadata.shape[1]]
        if feature_metadata.shape[1] == 3:
            format_type = "10x v3"
        elif feature_metadata.shape[1] == 2:
            format_type = "10x v2"
            assert feature_metadata.shape[1] == 1
            # Test if in scumi format
            if feature_metadata.iloc[0, 0].find('_') >= 0:
                format_type = "scumi"
                values = feature_metadata.values[:, 0].astype(str)
                arr = np.array(np.char.split(values, sep="_", maxsplit=1).tolist())
                feature_metadata = pd.DataFrame(data={"featurekey": arr[:, 0], "featurename": arr[:, 1]})
                format_type = "dropEst or BUStools"
                feature_metadata["featurename"] = feature_metadata["featurekey"]            

    return feature_metadata, format_type

def load_one_mtx_file(path: str, file_name: str, ngene: int = None) -> "Array2D":
    """Load one gene-count matrix in mtx format into an Array2D object
    mtx_file = os.path.join(path, file_name)
    mat = mmread(mtx_file)

    fname = re.sub('(.mtx|.mtx.gz)$', '', file_name)
    barcode_file, feature_file = _locate_barcode_and_feature_files(path, fname)

    barcode_metadata = _load_barcode_metadata(barcode_file)
    feature_metadata, format_type = _load_feature_metadata(feature_file)"Detected mtx file in {} format.".format(format_type))
    if mat.shape[1] == barcode_metadata.shape[0]: # Column is barcode, transpose the matrix
        mat = mat.T

    array2d = Array2D(barcode_metadata, feature_metadata, csr_matrix(mat))
    if format_type == "10x v3" or format_type == "10x v2":
        array2d.separate_channels("")  # fn == '' refers to 10x mtx format

    return array2d

def _locate_mtx_file(path: str) -> str:
    """ Locate one mtx file in the path directory """
    with os.scandir(path) as dir_iter:
        for dir_entry in dir_iter:
            file_name =
            if file_name.endswith('.mtx.gz') or file_name.endswith('.mtx'):
                return file_name
    return None

def load_mtx_file(path: str, genome: str = None, ngene: int = None) -> "MemData":
    """Load gene-count matrix from Market Matrix files (10x v2, v3 and HCA DCP formats)


    path : `str`
        Path to mtx files. The directory implied by path should either contain matrix, feature and barcode information, or folders containing these information.
    genome : `str`, optional (default: None)
        Genome name of the matrix. If None, genome will be inferred from path.
    ngene : `int`, optional (default: None)
        Minimum number of genes to keep a barcode. Default is to keep all barcodes.


    An MemData object containing a genome-Array2D pair.

    >>> io.load_mtx_file('example.mtx.gz', genome = 'mm10')

    orig_file = path
    if os.path.isdir(orig_file):
        path = orig_file.rstrip('/')
        file_name = _locate_mtx_file(path)
        if (not orig_file.endswith(".mtx")) and (not orig_file.endswith(".mtx.gz")):
            raise ValueError("File {} does not end with suffix .mtx or .mtx.gz!".format(orig_file))
        path, file_name = os.path.split(orig_file)

    data = MemData()

    if file_name is not None:
        if genome is None:
            genome = os.path.basename(path)
        for dir_entry in os.scandir(path):
            if dir_entry.is_dir():
                file_name = _locate_mtx_file(dir_entry.path)
                if file_name is None:
                    raise ValueError("Folder {} does not contain a mtx file!".format(dir_entry.path))
                data.addData(, load_one_mtx_file(dir_entry.path, file_name, ngene=ngene))

    return data

def _load_csv_file_sparse(input_csv, genome, sep, dtype, ngene=None, chunk_size=1000):
     Read a csv file in chunks

    import scipy.sparse
    features = []
    dense_arrays = []
    sparse_arrays = []

    if chunk_size <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Chunk size must be greater than zero")

    with (, mode="rt")
        if input_csv.endswith(".gz")
        else open(input_csv)
    ) as fin:
        barcodes = next(fin).strip().split(sep)[1:]
        for line in fin:
            fields = line.strip().split(sep)
            dense_arrays.append(np.array(fields[1:], dtype=dtype))
            if len(dense_arrays) == chunk_size:
                    scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(np.stack(dense_arrays, axis=0))
                dense_arrays = []

    if len(dense_arrays) > 0:
        sparse_arrays.append(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(np.stack(dense_arrays, axis=0)))
        dense_arrays = None
    mat = scipy.sparse.vstack(sparse_arrays)
    barcode_metadata = {"barcodekey": barcodes}
    feature_metadata = {"featurekey": features, "featurename": features}
    data = MemData()
    array2d = Array2D(barcode_metadata, feature_metadata, mat.T)
    data.addData(genome, array2d)
    return data

def load_csv_file(
    input_csv: str,
    genome: str,
    sep: str = ",",
    ngene: int = None,
    chunk_size: int = None,
) -> "MemData":
    """Load count matrix from a CSV-style file, such as CSV file or DGE style tsv file.


     input_csv : `str`
         The CSV file, gzipped or not, containing the count matrix.
     genome : `str`
         The genome reference.
     sep: `str`, optional (default: ',')
         Separator between fields, either ',' or '\t'.
     ngene : `int`, optional (default: None)
         Minimum number of genes to keep a barcode. Default is to keep all barcodes.
     chunk_size: `int`, optional (default: None)
        Chunk size for reading dense matrices as sparse

     An MemData object containing a genome-Array2D pair.

     >>> io.load_csv_file('example_ADT.csv', genome = 'GRCh38')
     >>> io.load_csv_file('example.umi.dge.txt.gz', genome = 'GRCh38', sep = '\t')

    path = os.path.dirname(input_csv)
    base = os.path.basename(input_csv)
    is_hca_csv = base == "expression.csv"

    if sep == "\t":
        # DGE, columns are cells, which is around thousands and we can use pandas.read_csv
        if chunk_size is not None:
            return _load_csv_file_sparse(
                "float32" if base.startswith("expression") else "int",
        df = pd.read_csv(input_csv, header=0, index_col=0, sep=sep)
        mat = csr_matrix(df.values.T)
        barcode_metadata = {"barcodekey": df.columns.values}
        feature_metadata = {
            "featurekey": df.index.values,
            "featurename": df.index.values,
        if chunk_size is not None and not is_hca_csv:
            return _load_csv_file_sparse(
                "float32" if base.startswith("expression") else "int",
        # For CSV files, wide columns prevent fast pd.read_csv loading
        converter = (
            float if base.startswith("expression") else int
        )  # If expression -> float otherwise int

        barcodes = []
        names = []
        stacks = []
        with (
  , mode="rt")
            if input_csv.endswith(".gz")
            else open(input_csv)
        ) as fin:
            barcodes = next(fin).strip().split(sep)[1:]
            for line in fin:
                fields = line.strip().split(sep)
                stacks.append([converter(x) for x in fields[1:]])

        mat = csr_matrix(np.stack(stacks, axis=1 if not is_hca_csv else 0))
        barcode_metadata = {"barcodekey": barcodes}
        feature_metadata = {"featurekey": names, "featurename": names}

        if is_hca_csv:
            barcode_file = os.path.join(path, "cells.csv")
            if os.path.exists(barcode_file):
                barcode_metadata = pd.read_csv(barcode_file, sep=",", header=0)
                assert "cellkey" in barcode_metadata
                barcode_metadata.rename(columns={"cellkey": "barcodekey"}, inplace=True)

            feature_file = os.path.join(path, "genes.csv")
            if os.path.exists(feature_file):
                feature_metadata = pd.read_csv(feature_file, sep=",", header=0)

    data = MemData()
    array2d = Array2D(barcode_metadata, feature_metadata, mat)
    data.addData(genome, array2d)

    return data

def load_loom_file(input_loom: str, genome: str, ngene: int = None) -> "MemData":
    """Load count matrix from a LOOM file. Currently only support HCA DCP Loom spec.


    input_loom : `str`
        The LOOM file, containing the count matrix.
    genome : `str`
        The genome reference.
    ngene : `int`, optional (default: None)
        Minimum number of genes to keep a barcode. Default is to keep all barcodes.


    An MemData object containing a genome-Array2D pair.

    >>> io.load_loom_file('example.loom', genome = 'GRCh38', ngene = 200)
    import loompy

    ds = loompy.connect(input_loom)
    if "obs_names" in ds.col_attrs.keys():
        # If loom is generated by anndata
        data = anndata.read_loom(input_loom)
        return data
    col_trans = {"CellID": "barcodekey"}
    row_trans = {"Accession": "featurekey", "Gene": "featurename"}

    data = MemData()
    mat = csr_matrix(ds.sparse().T)
    barcode_metadata = {}
    for keyword, values in ds.col_attrs.items():
        keyword = col_trans.get(keyword, keyword)
        barcode_metadata[keyword] = values
    feature_metadata = {}
    for keyword, values in ds.row_attrs.items():
        keyword = row_trans.get(keyword, keyword)
        feature_metadata[keyword] = values

    array2d = Array2D(barcode_metadata, feature_metadata, mat)
    data.addData(genome, array2d)

    return data

def load_pegasus_h5_file(
    input_h5: str, ngene: int = None, select_singlets: bool = False
) -> "MemData":
    """Load matrices from pegasus-format hdf5 file


    input_h5 : `str`
        pegasus-format hdf5 file.
    ngene : `int`, optional (default: None)
        Minimum number of genes to keep a barcode. Default is to keep all barcodes.
    select_singlets: `bool`, optional (default: False)
        If only load singlets.


    An MemData object containing genome-Array2D pair per genome.

    >>> io.load_pegasus_h5_file('example.h5sc')

    cite_seq_name = None
    selected_barcodes = None

    data = MemData()
    with tables.open_file(input_h5) as h5_in:
        for group in h5_in.list_nodes("/", "Group"):
            genome = group._v_name

            M, N = h5_in.get_node("/" + genome + "/shape").read()
            mat = csr_matrix(
                    h5_in.get_node("/" + genome + "/data").read(),
                    h5_in.get_node("/" + genome + "/indices").read(),
                    h5_in.get_node("/" + genome + "/indptr").read(),
                shape=(N, M),

            barcode_metadata = {}
            for node in h5_in.walk_nodes("/" + genome + "/_barcodes", "Array"):
                values =
                if values.dtype.kind == "S":
                    values = values.astype(str)
                barcode_metadata[] = values

            feature_metadata = {}
            for node in h5_in.walk_nodes("/" + genome + "/_features", "Array"):
                values =
                if values.dtype.kind == "S":
                    values = values.astype(str)
                feature_metadata[] = values

            array2d = Array2D(barcode_metadata, feature_metadata, mat)
            if genome.startswith("CITE_Seq"):
                cite_seq_name = genome
                array2d.filter(ngene, select_singlets)
                selected_barcodes = array2d.get_metadata("barcodekey")

            data.addData(genome, array2d)

    if (cite_seq_name is not None) and (selected_barcodes is not None):
        array2d = data.getData(cite_seq_name)
        selected = array2d.get_metadata("barcodekey").isin(selected_barcodes)

    return data

def infer_file_format(input_file: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
    """ Infer file format from input_file name

    This function infer file format by inspecting the file name.


    input_file : `str`
        Input file name.

        File format, choosing from '10x', 'pegasus', 'h5ad', 'loom', 'mtx', 'dge', 'csv' and 'tsv'.
        The path covering all input files. Most time this is the same as input_file. But for HCA mtx and csv, this should be parent directory.
        Type of the path, either 'file' or 'directory'.

    file_format = None
    copy_path = input_file
    copy_type = "file"

    if input_file.endswith(".h5"):
        file_format = "10x"
    elif input_file.endswith(".h5sc"):
        file_format = "pegasus"
    elif input_file.endswith(".h5ad"):
        file_format = "h5ad"
    elif input_file.endswith(".loom"):
        file_format = "loom"
    elif (
        or input_file.endswith(".mtx.gz")
        or os.path.splitext(input_file)[1] == ""
        file_format = "mtx"
        if os.path.splitext(input_file)[1] != "":
            copy_path = os.path.dirname(input_file)
        copy_type = "directory"
    elif input_file.endswith("dge.txt.gz"):
        file_format = "dge"
    elif input_file.endswith(".csv") or input_file.endswith(".csv.gz"):
        file_format = "csv"
        if os.path.basename(input_file) == "expression.csv":
            copy_path = os.path.dirname(input_file)
            copy_type = "directory"
    elif input_file.endswith(".txt") or input_file.endswith(".tsv") or input_file.endswith(
        ".txt.gz") or input_file.endswith(".tsv.gz"):
        file_format = "tsv"
        raise ValueError("Unrecognized file type for file {}!".format(input_file))

    return file_format, copy_path, copy_type

[docs]@pg_deco.TimeLogger() def read_input( input_file: str, genome: str = None, return_type: str = "AnnData", concat_matrices: bool = False, h5ad_mode: str = "a", ngene: int = None, select_singlets: bool = False, channel_attr: str = None, chunk_size: int = None, black_list: List[str] = [], ) -> "MemData or AnnData or List[AnnData]": """Load data into memory. This function is used to load input data into memory. Inputs can be in 10x genomics v2 & v3 formats (hdf5 or mtx), HCA DCP mtx and csv formats, Drop-seq dge format, and CSV format. Parameters ---------- input_file : `str` Input file name. genome : `str`, optional (default: None) A string contains comma-separated genome names. pegasus will read all matrices matching the genome names. If genome is None, all matrices will be considered. For formats like loom, mtx, dge, csv and tsv, genome is used to provide genome name. In this case if genome is None, except mtx format, '' is used as the genome name instead. return_type : `str` Return object type, can be either 'MemData' or 'AnnData'. concat_matrices : `boolean`, optional (default: False) If input file contains multiple matrices, turning this option on will concatenate them into one AnnData object. Otherwise return a list of AnnData objects. h5ad_mode : `str`, optional (default: 'a') If input is in h5ad format, the backed mode for loading the data. Mode could be 'a', 'r', 'r+', where 'a' refers to load the whole matrix into memory. ngene : `int`, optional (default: None) Minimum number of genes to keep a barcode. Default is to keep all barcodes. select_singlets : `bool`, optional (default: False) If this option is on, only keep DemuxEM-predicted singlets when loading data. channel_attr : `str`, optional (default: None) Use channel_attr to represent different samples. This will set a 'Channel' column field with channel_attr. chunk_size: `int`, optional (default: None) Chunk size for reading dense matrices as sparse black_list : `List[str]`, optional (default: []) Attributes in black list will be poped out. Returns ------- `MemData` object or `anndata` object or a list of `anndata` objects An `MemData` object or `anndata` object or a list of `anndata` objects containing the count matrices. Examples -------- >>> adata = pg.read_input('example_10x.h5', genome = 'mm10') >>> adata = pg.read_input('example.h5ad', h5ad_mode = 'r+') >>> adata = pg.read_input('example_ADT.csv') """ input_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(input_file)) file_format, _, _ = infer_file_format(input_file) if file_format == "pegasus": data = load_pegasus_h5_file( input_file, ngene=ngene, select_singlets=select_singlets ) elif file_format == "10x": data = load_10x_h5_file(input_file, ngene=ngene) elif file_format == "h5ad": data = anndata.read_h5ad( input_file, chunk_size=chunk_size, backed=(None if h5ad_mode == "a" else h5ad_mode), ) if channel_attr is not None: data.obs["Channel"] = data.obs[channel_attr] for attr in black_list: if attr in data.obs: data.obs.drop(columns = attr, inplace = True) elif file_format == "mtx": data = load_mtx_file(input_file, genome, ngene=ngene) elif file_format == "loom": if genome is None: genome = '' data = load_loom_file(input_file, genome, ngene=ngene) if isinstance(data, anndata.AnnData): file_format = "h5ad" if channel_attr is not None: data.obs["Channel"] = data.obs[channel_attr] for attr in black_list: if attr in data.obs: data.obs.drop(columns = attr, inplace = True) else: assert file_format == "dge" or file_format == "csv" or file_format == "tsv" if genome is None: genome = '' data = load_csv_file( input_file, genome, sep=("\t" if file_format == "dge" or file_format == "tsv" else ","), ngene=ngene, chunk_size=chunk_size, ) if file_format != "h5ad": data.restrain_keywords(genome) if return_type == "AnnData": data = data.convert_to_anndata( concat_matrices=concat_matrices, channel_attr=channel_attr, black_list=black_list, ) else: assert return_type == "AnnData" if select_singlets: assert 'demux_type' in data.obs data._inplace_subset_obs((data.obs['demux_type'] == 'singlet').values) return data
def _write_mtx(data: "AnnData", output_file: str): import import gzip import shutil output_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(output_file)) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) mtx_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'matrix.mtx'), data.X.T) mtx_file_gz = "%s.gz" % mtx_file with open(mtx_file, 'rb') as f_in: with, 'wb') as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) os.remove(mtx_file) data.obs.to_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, 'barcodes.tsv.gz'), header=None, columns=[]) features_df = pd.DataFrame() if 'gene_ids' in data.var: features_df['gene_ids'] = data.var['gene_ids'] features_df['gene_names'] = data.var.index else: features_df['gene_ids'] = data.var.index features_df['gene_names'] = data.var.index features_df['type'] = 'Gene Expression' features_df.to_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, 'features.tsv.gz'), header=None, sep='\t', index=False) data.obs.to_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, 'obs.csv.gz'), index_label='id') var_columns = list(data.var.columns) if 'gene_ids' in data.var: var_columns.remove('gene_ids') if len(var_columns) > 0: data.var.to_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, 'var.csv.gz'), index_label='id', columns=var_columns) def _write_loom(data: "AnnData", output_file: str): def _process_attrs(key_name: str, attrs: pd.DataFrame, attrs_multi: 'anndata._core.aligned_mapping.AxisArrays') -> Dict[str, object]: res_dict = {key_name: attrs.index.values} for key in attrs.columns: res_dict[key] = np.array(attrs[key].values) for key in attrs_multi.keys(): value = attrs_multi[key] if value.ndim > 1: res_dict[key] = value if value.shape[1] > 1 else value[:, 0] return res_dict row_attrs = _process_attrs('var_names', data.var, data.varm) col_attrs = _process_attrs('obs_names', data.obs, data.obsm) import loompy loompy.create(output_file, data.X.T, row_attrs = row_attrs, col_attrs = col_attrs)'{0} is written.'.format(output_file))
[docs]@pg_deco.TimeLogger() def write_output( data: "MemData or AnnData", output_file: str, whitelist: List = ["obs", "obsm", "uns", "var", "varm"], ) -> None: """ Write data back to disk. This function is used to write data back to disk. Parameters ---------- data : `MemData` or `AnnData` data to write back, can be either an MemData or AnnData object. output_file : `str` output file name. If data is MemData, output_file should ends with suffix '.h5sc'. Otherwise, output_file can end with either '.h5ad', '.loom', or '.mtx.gz'. If output_file ends with '.loom', a LOOM file will be generated. If no suffix is detected, an appropriate one will be appended. whitelist : `list`, optional, default = ["obs", "obsm", "uns", "var", "varm"] List that indicates changed fields when writing h5ad file in backed mode. For example, ['uns/Groups', 'obsm/PCA'] will only write Groups in uns, and PCA in obsm; the rest of the fields will be unchanged. Returns ------- `None` Examples -------- >>> pg.write_output(adata, 'test.h5ad') """ if (not isinstance(data, MemData)) and (not isinstance(data, anndata.AnnData)): raise ValueError("data is neither an MemData nor AnnData object!") # Identify and correct file suffix file_name, _, suffix = output_file.rpartition(".") if suffix == 'gz' and file_name.endswith('.mtx'): suffix = 'mtx.gz' if file_name == "": file_name = output_file suffix = "h5sc" if isinstance(data, MemData) else "h5ad" if isinstance(data, MemData) and suffix != "h5sc" and suffix != "h5": logging.warning( "Detected file suffix for this MemData object is neither .h5sc nor .h5. We will assume output_file is a file name and append .h5sc suffix." ) file_name = output_file suffix = "h5sc" if isinstance(data, anndata.AnnData) and (suffix not in ["h5ad", "loom", "mtx.gz"]): logging.warning( "Detected file suffix for this AnnData object is neither .h5ad or .loom. We will assume output_file is a file name and append .h5ad suffix." ) file_name = output_file suffix = "h5ad" output_file = file_name + "." + suffix # Eliminate objects starting with fmat_ from uns if isinstance(data, anndata.AnnData): keys = list(data.uns) for keyword in keys: if keyword.startswith("fmat_"): data.uns.pop(keyword) # Write outputs if suffix == "mtx.gz": _write_mtx(data, output_file) elif suffix == "h5sc" or suffix == "h5": data.write_h5_file(output_file) elif suffix == "loom": _write_loom(data, output_file) elif ( not data.isbacked or (data.isbacked and data.file._file.mode != "r+") ): data.write(output_file, compression="gzip") else: assert data.file._file.mode == "r+" import h5py h5_file = data.file._file # Fix old h5ad files in which obsm/varm were stored as compound datasets for key in ["obsm", "varm"]: if key in h5_file.keys() and isinstance(h5_file[key], h5py.Dataset): del h5_file[key] whitelist.append(key) _update_backed_h5ad( h5_file, _to_dict_fixed_width_arrays(data), _parse_whitelist(whitelist) ) h5_file.close()