Source code for

import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from scipy.sparse import issparse

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

from typing import Tuple
from anndata import AnnData

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger("pegasus")
from pegasus.utils import decorators as pg_deco

[docs]@pg_deco.GCCollect() def qc_metrics( data: AnnData, mito_prefix: str = "MT-", min_genes: int = 500, max_genes: int = 6000, min_umis: int = 100, max_umis: int = 600000, percent_mito: float = 10.0, percent_cells: float = 0.05, ) -> None: """Generate Quality Control (QC) metrics on the dataset. Parameters ---------- data: ``anndata.AnnData`` Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. mito_prefix: ``str``, optional, default: ``"MT-"`` Prefix for mitochondrial genes. min_genes: ``int``, optional, default: ``500`` Only keep cells with at least ``min_genes`` genes. max_genes: ``int``, optional, default: ``6000`` Only keep cells with less than ``max_genes`` genes. min_umis: ``int``, optional, default: ``100`` Only keep cells with at least ``min_umis`` UMIs. max_umis: ``int``, optional, default: ``600,000`` Only keep cells with less than ``max_umis`` UMIs. percent_mito: ``float``, optional, default: ``10.0`` Only keep cells with percent mitochondrial genes less than ``percent_mito`` % of total counts. percent_cells: ``float``, optional, default: ``0.05`` Only assign genes to be ``robust`` that are expressed in at least ``percent_cells`` % of cells. Returns ------- ``None`` Update ``data.obs``: * ``n_genes``: Total number of genes for each cell. * ``n_counts``: Total number of counts for each cell. * ``percent_mito``: Percent of mitochondrial genes for each cell. * ``passed_qc``: Boolean type indicating if a cell passes the QC process based on the QC metrics. Update ``data.var``: * ``n_cells``: Total number of cells in which each gene is measured. * ``percent_cells``: Percent of cells in which each gene is measured. * ``robust``: Boolean type indicating if a gene is robust based on the QC metrics. * ``highly_variable_features``: Boolean type indicating if a gene is a highly variable feature. By default, set all robust genes as highly variable features. Examples -------- >>> pg.qcmetrics(adata) """ data.obs["passed_qc"] = False data.obs["n_genes"] = data.X.getnnz(axis=1) data.obs["n_counts"] = data.X.sum(axis=1).A1 mito_prefixes = mito_prefix.split(",") def startswith(name): for prefix in mito_prefixes: if name.startswith(prefix): return True return False mito_genes =[0] data.obs["percent_mito"] = ( data.X[:, mito_genes].sum(axis=1).A1 / np.maximum(data.obs["n_counts"].values, 1.0) ) * 100 # Assign passed_qc filters = [ data.obs["n_genes"] >= min_genes, data.obs["n_genes"] < max_genes, data.obs["n_counts"] >= min_umis, data.obs["n_counts"] < max_umis, data.obs["percent_mito"] < percent_mito, ] data.obs.loc[np.logical_and.reduce(filters), "passed_qc"] = True var = data.var data = data[ data.obs["passed_qc"] ] # compute gene stats in space of filtered cells only var["n_cells"] = data.X.getnnz(axis=0) var["percent_cells"] = (var["n_cells"] / data.shape[0]) * 100 var["robust"] = var["percent_cells"] >= percent_cells var["highly_variable_features"] = var[ "robust" ] # default all robust genes are "highly" variable
[docs]def get_filter_stats(data: AnnData) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """Calculate filtration stats on cell barcodes and genes, respectively. Parameters ---------- data: ``anndata.AnnData`` Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. Returns ------- df_cells: ``pandas.DataFrame`` Data frame of stats on cell filtration. df_genes: ``pandas.DataFrame`` Data frame of stats on gene filtration. Examples -------- >>> pg.get_filter_stats(adata) """ # cell stats gb1 = data.obs.groupby("Channel") df_before = gb1.median() df_before = df_before.assign(total=gb1.size()) df_before.rename( columns={ "n_genes": "median_n_genes_before", "n_counts": "median_n_umis_before", "percent_mito": "median_percent_mito_before", }, inplace=True, ) # focusing only on filtered cells gb2 = data.obs[data.obs["passed_qc"]].groupby("Channel") df_after = gb2.median() df_after = df_after.assign(kept=gb2.size()) df_after.rename( columns={ "n_genes": "median_n_genes", "n_counts": "median_n_umis", "percent_mito": "median_percent_mito", }, inplace=True, ) df_cells = pd.concat((df_before, df_after), axis=1, sort=False) df_cells.fillna(0, inplace=True) df_cells["kept"] = df_cells["kept"].astype(int) df_cells["filt"] = df_cells["total"] - df_cells["kept"] df_cells = df_cells[ [ "kept", "median_n_genes", "median_n_umis", "median_percent_mito", "filt", "total", "median_n_genes_before", "median_n_umis_before", "median_percent_mito_before", ] ] df_cells.sort_values("kept", inplace=True) # gene stats idx = data.var["robust"] == False df_genes = pd.DataFrame( { "n_cells": data.var.loc[idx, "n_cells"], "percent_cells": data.var.loc[idx, "percent_cells"], } ) = "gene" df_genes.sort_values("n_cells", ascending=False, inplace=True) return df_cells, df_genes
[docs]def filter_data(data: AnnData) -> None: """ Filter data based on qc_metrics calculated in ``pg.qc_metrics``. Parameters ---------- data: ``anndata.AnnData`` Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. Returns ------- ``None`` Update ``data`` with cells and genes after filtration. Examples -------- >>> pg.filter_data(adata) """ assert "passed_qc" in data.obs prior_shape = data.shape data._inplace_subset_obs(data.obs["passed_qc"].values) data._inplace_subset_var((data.var["n_cells"] > 0).values) "After filtration, {nc}/{ncp} cells and {ng}/{ngp} genes are kept. Among {ng} genes, {nrb} genes are robust.".format( nc=data.shape[0], ng=data.shape[1], ncp=prior_shape[0], ngp=prior_shape[1], nrb=data.var["robust"].sum(), ) )
def generate_filter_plots( data: AnnData, plot_filt: str, plot_filt_figsize: str = None ) -> None: """ This function generates filtration plots, only used in command line. """ df_plot_before = data.obs[["Channel", "n_genes", "n_counts", "percent_mito"]].copy() df_plot_before.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_plot_before["status"] = "original" data = data[data.obs["passed_qc"]] # focusing only on filtered cells df_plot_after = data.obs[["Channel", "n_genes", "n_counts", "percent_mito"]].copy() df_plot_after.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_plot_after["status"] = "filtered" df_plot = pd.concat((df_plot_before, df_plot_after), axis=0) from pegasus.plotting import plot_qc_violin figsize = None if plot_filt_figsize is not None: width, height = plot_filt_figsize.split(",") figsize = (int(width), int(height)) plot_qc_violin( df_plot, "count", plot_filt + ".filt.UMI.pdf", xattr="Channel", hue="status", xlabel="Channel", split=True, linewidth=0, figsize=figsize, ) plot_qc_violin( df_plot, "gene", plot_filt + ".filt.gene.pdf", xattr="Channel", hue="status", xlabel="Channel", split=True, linewidth=0, figsize=figsize, ) plot_qc_violin( df_plot, "mito", plot_filt + ".filt.mito.pdf", xattr="Channel", hue="status", xlabel="Channel", split=True, linewidth=0, figsize=figsize, )"Filtration plots are generated.") @pg_deco.TimeLogger() def run_filter_data( data: AnnData, output_filt: str = None, plot_filt: str = None, plot_filt_figsize: Tuple[int, int] = None, mito_prefix: str = "MT-", min_genes: int = 500, max_genes: int = 6000, min_umis: int = 100, max_umis: int = 600000, percent_mito: float = 10.0, percent_cells: float = 0.05, ) -> None: """ This function is for command line use. """ qc_metrics( data, mito_prefix, min_genes, max_genes, min_umis, max_umis, percent_mito, percent_cells, ) if output_filt is not None: writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output_filt + ".filt.xlsx", engine="xlsxwriter") df_cells, df_genes = get_filter_stats(data) df_cells.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Cell filtration stats") df_genes.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Gene filtration stats")"Filtration results are written.") if plot_filt is not None: generate_filter_plots(data, plot_filt, plot_filt_figsize) filter_data(data)
[docs]@pg_deco.TimeLogger() @pg_deco.GCCollect() def log_norm(data: AnnData, norm_count: float = 1e5) -> None: """Normalization, and then apply natural logarithm to the data. Parameters ---------- data: ``anndata.AnnData`` Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. norm_count: ``int``, optional, default: ``1e5``. Total count of cells after normalization. Returns ------- ``None`` Update ``data.X`` with count matrix after log-normalization. Examples -------- >>> pg.log_norm(adata) """ assert issparse(data.X) mat = data.X[:, data.var["robust"].values] scale = norm_count / mat.sum(axis=1).A1 *= np.repeat(scale, np.diff(data.X.indptr)) = np.log1p( # faster than data.X.log1p()
[docs]def select_features(data: AnnData, features: str = None) -> str: """ Subset the features and store the resulting matrix in dense format in data.uns with `'fmat_'` prefix. `'fmat_*'` will be removed before writing out the disk. Parameters ---------- data: ``anndata.AnnData`` Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. features: ``str``, optional, default: ``None``. a keyword in ``data.var``, which refers to a boolean array. If ``None``, all features will be selected. Returns ------- keyword: ``str`` The keyword in ``data.uns`` referring to the features selected. Update ``data.uns``: * ``data.uns[keyword]``: A submatrix of the data containing features selected. Examples -------- >>> pg.select_features(adata) """ keyword = "fmat_" + str(features) # fmat: feature matrix if keyword not in data.uns: if features is not None: assert features in data.var fmat = data.X[:, data.var[features].values] else: fmat = data.X if issparse(fmat): data.uns[keyword] = fmat.toarray() else: data.uns[keyword] = fmat.copy() return keyword
[docs]@pg_deco.GCCollect() def pca( data: AnnData, n_components: int = 50, features: str = "highly_variable_features", standardize: bool = True, max_value: float = 10, robust: bool = False, random_state: int = 0, ) -> None: """Perform Principle Component Analysis (PCA) to the data. The calculation uses *scikit-learn* implementation. Parameters ---------- data: ``anndata.AnnData`` Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. n_components: ``int``, optional, default: ``50``. Number of Principal Components to get. features: ``str``, optional, default: ``"highly_variable_features"``. Keyword in ``data.var`` to specify features used for PCA. standardize: ``bool``, optional, default: ``True``. Whether to scale the data to unit variance and zero mean or not. max_value: ``float``, optional, default: ``10``. The threshold to truncate data after scaling. If ``None``, do not truncate. robust: ``bool``, optional, default: ``False``. If true, use 'arpack' instead of 'randomized' for large sparse matrices (i.e. max(X.shape) > 500 and n_components < 0.8 * min(X.shape)) random_state: ``int``, optional, default: ``0``. Random seed to be set for reproducing result. Returns ------- ``None``. Update ``data.obsm``: * ``data.obsm["X_pca"]``: PCA matrix of the data. Update ``data.uns``: * ``data.uns["PCs"]``: The principal components containing the loadings. * ``data.uns["pca_variance"]``: Explained variance, i.e. the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. * ``data.uns["pca_variance_ratio"]``: Ratio of explained variance. Examples -------- >>> pg.pca(adata) """ keyword = select_features(data, features) start = time.perf_counter() X = data.uns[keyword] if standardize: # scaler = StandardScaler(copy=False) # scaler.fit_transform(X) m1 = X.mean(axis=0) psum = np.multiply(X, X).sum(axis=0) std = ((psum - X.shape[0] * (m1 ** 2)) / (X.shape[0] - 1.0)) ** 0.5 std[std == 0] = 1 X -= m1 X /= std if max_value is not None: X[X > max_value] = max_value X[X < -max_value] = -max_value pca = PCA(n_components=n_components, random_state=random_state) if robust: svd_solver = "arpack" if max(X.shape) > 500 and n_components < 0.8 * min(X.shape) else "full" pca = PCA(n_components=n_components, random_state=random_state, svd_solver=svd_solver) X_pca = pca.fit_transform(X) data.obsm["X_pca"] = X_pca data.uns[ "PCs" ] = pca.components_.T # cannot be varm because numbers of features are not the same data.uns["pca"] = {} data.uns["pca"]["variance"] = pca.explained_variance_ data.uns["pca"]["variance_ratio"] = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ end = time.perf_counter()"PCA is done. Time spent = {:.2f}s.".format(end - start))