Source code for

import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from typing import List, Optional, Union, Tuple

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from pegasusio import UnimodalData, MultimodalData
from pegasusio import timer

def _f1(f, x, h): # calculated using five-point stencil
    if x - 2 < 0 or x + 2 >= f.size:
        return np.nan
    return (-f[x + 2] + 8 * f[x + 1] - 8 * f[x - 1] + f[x - 2]) / 12 / h

def _f2(f, x, h): # calculated using five-point stencil
    if x - 2 < 0 or x + 2 >= f.size:
        return np.nan
    return (-f[x + 2] + 16 * f[x + 1] - 30 * f[x] + 16 * f[x - 1] - f[x - 2]) / 12 / h / h

def _curvature(f, x, h): # calculated curvature
    return _f2(f, x, h) / (1.0 + _f1(f, x, h) ** 2) ** 1.5

def _calc_vec_f(func, size, f, h): # convenient function to vetorize the above functions
    res = np.zeros(size)
    for i in range(size):
        res[i] = func(f, i, h)
    return res

def _find_local_maxima(y: List[float], frac: float = 0.25, merge_peak_frac: float = 0.06) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int], List[int]]:
    """ find local maxima that has a magnitude larger than the frac * global maxima. 
        Then merge adjacent peaks, where the maximal height and minimal height between the two peaks are within merge_peak_frac of the maximal height.
    lower_bound = y.max() * frac
    maxima_by_x = []
    filtered_maxima = []
    for i in range(2, y.size - 2):
        if (y[i - 1] == y[i] and y[i - 2] < y[i - 1] and y[i] > y[i + 1]) or (y[i - 2] < y[i - 1] and y[i - 1] < y[i] and y[i] > y[i + 1] and y[i + 1] > y[i + 2]):
            # i is a local maxima
            if y[i] > lower_bound:
    maxima_by_x = np.array(maxima_by_x)
    filtered_maxima = np.array(filtered_maxima)
    n_max = maxima_by_x.size

    curr_peak = 0
    merged_peaks = []
    for i in range(n_max - 1):
        min_value = y[maxima_by_x[i]+1:maxima_by_x[i + 1]].min()
        max_value = max(y[maxima_by_x[i]], y[maxima_by_x[i + 1]])
        if (max_value - min_value) / max_value > merge_peak_frac: # do not merge i + 1
            curr_peak = i + 1
            if y[maxima_by_x[i + 1]] > y[maxima_by_x[curr_peak]]:
                curr_peak = i + 1
    merged_peaks = np.array(merged_peaks)
    maxima = merged_peaks[np.argsort(y[merged_peaks])[::-1]]

    return maxima, maxima_by_x, filtered_maxima

def _locate_cutoff_among_peaks(y: List[float], maxima: List[float]) -> int:
    """ Find two peaks with largest gap.
    best_gap = 0
    best_pos = -1

    pos_12 = gap_12 = -1

    for i in range(1, maxima.size):
        if maxima[0] < maxima[i]:
            start = maxima[0]
            end = maxima[i]
            start = maxima[i]
            end = maxima[0]
        pos = y[start+1:end].argmin() + (start+1)
        gap = y[maxima[i]] - y[pos]

        if i == 1:
            pos_12 = pos
            gap_12 = y[maxima[0]] - y[pos]

        if best_gap < gap:
            best_gap = gap
            best_pos = pos

    return best_pos if best_gap > gap_12 else pos_12

def _find_pos_curv(curv, start, dir, thre = 0.06):
    RANGE = range(start, curv.size) if dir == '+' else range(start, 0, -1)
    assert (RANGE.stop - RANGE.start) * RANGE.step > 0
    for pos in RANGE:
        if curv[pos] > thre:
    return pos

def _find_curv_minima_at_peak(curv, peak_pos):
    start = peak_pos
    while start > 1 and curv[start] < 0.0:
        start -= 1
    start += 1
    end = peak_pos
    while end < curv.size - 2 and curv[end] < 0.0:
        end += 1
    return curv[start:end].min()

def _find_curv_local_minima(curv, peak_curv_value, filtered_maxima, start, dir, rel_thre = 0.45, minima_dir_thre = -0.25):
    """ Find a negative curvature value that is a local minima or a filtered local maxima with respect to density value.
        dir represents the direction of search, choosing from '+' or '-'.
        Beside being a local minima, the value must also satisfy the rel_thre requirement.
        rel_thre requires that the curvature value must smaller than rel_thre fraction of the max of minimal curvature value of the peak and the minimal curvature value since start at direction dir.
    if dir == '+':
        pos_from = max(start, 2)
        pos_to = curv.size - 2
        tmp_arr = filtered_maxima[filtered_maxima > start]
        if tmp_arr.size > 0:
            lmax = tmp_arr.min()
            pos_to = _find_pos_curv(curv, lmax-1, '-') + 1
        assert pos_from < pos_to
        minima_with_dir = curv[pos_from:pos_to].min()
        if minima_with_dir >= minima_dir_thre:
            # No other local minima
            return pos_to # return right end
        thre = min(max(peak_curv_value, minima_with_dir) * rel_thre, minima_dir_thre)
        assert thre < 0.0
        for pos in range(pos_from, pos_to):
            if curv[pos] < thre and curv[pos - 1] > curv[pos] and curv[pos] < curv[pos + 1]:
                return pos
        assert False
        assert dir == '-'
        pos_from = min(start, curv.size - 3)
        pos_to = 1
        tmp_arr = filtered_maxima[filtered_maxima < start]
        if tmp_arr.size > 0:
            lmax = tmp_arr.max()
            pos_to = _find_pos_curv(curv, lmax+1, '+') - 1
        assert pos_from > pos_to
        minima_with_dir = curv[pos_to+1:pos_from+1].min()
        if minima_with_dir >= minima_dir_thre:
            return pos_to
        thre = min(max(peak_curv_value, minima_with_dir) * rel_thre, minima_dir_thre)
        assert thre < 0.0
        for pos in range(pos_from, pos_to, -1):
            if curv[pos] < thre and curv[pos - 1] > curv[pos] and curv[pos] < curv[pos + 1]:
                return pos
        assert False

def _plot_hist(obs_scores, sim_scores, threshold, sim_x, sim_y, curv, nbin = 100, fig_size = (8,6), dpi = 300):
    """ Plot histogram of doublet scores for observed cells and simulated doublets
        (A) top left: histogram of observed cells;
        (B) top right: histogram of simulated doublets;
        (C) bottom left: KDE of simulated doublets scores
        (D) bottom right: KDE of simulated doublets in log scale
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize = fig_size, dpi = dpi)

    x = np.linspace(0, 1, nbin)
    ax = axes[0, 0]
    ax.hist(obs_scores, x, color="gray", linewidth=0, density=True)
    ax.axvline(x = threshold, ls = "--", c = "k", linewidth=1)
    ax.set_title('Observed cells')
    ax.set_xlabel('Doublet score')

    ax = axes[0, 1]
    ax.hist(sim_scores, x, color="gray", linewidth=0, density=True)
    ax.axvline(x = threshold, ls = "--", c = "k", linewidth=1)
    ax.set_title('Simulated doublets')
    ax.set_xlabel('Doublet score')

    # ax = axes[1, 0]
    # from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
    # kde = gaussian_kde(sim_scores)
    # y = kde(x)
    # ax.plot(x, y, '-', c='k', lw = 1)
    # ax.set_ylim(bottom = 0.0)
    # ax.set_title('KDE of simulated doublets')
    # ax.set_xlabel('Doublet score')
    # ax.set_ylabel('Density')

    ax = axes[1, 0]
    ax.plot(sim_x, sim_y, '-', c='k', lw = 1)
    ax.set_ylim(bottom = 0.0)
    ax.axvline(x = np.log(threshold), ls = "--", c="k", lw=1)
    ax.set_title('KDE of simulated doublets')
    ax.set_xlabel('Log doublet score')

    ax = axes[1, 1]
    ax.plot(sim_x, curv, '-', c='k', lw = 1)
    ax.axvline(x = np.log(threshold), ls = "--", c="k", lw=1)
    ax.set_title('Curvature of simulated doublets')
    ax.set_xlabel('Log doublet score')

    return fig

def _calc_expected_doublet_rate(ncells):
    """ Calculate expected doublet rate based number of cells using 10x Genomics' doublet table [].
        Poisson lambda estimated from table is lambda = 0.00785
    ncell_base = 500.0
    lmd_base = 0.00785

    lmd = lmd_base * (ncells / ncell_base)
    expected_rate = (1.0 - (1.0 + lmd) * np.exp(-lmd)) / (1.0 - np.exp(-lmd))

    return expected_rate

def _run_scrublet(
    data: Union[MultimodalData, UnimodalData],
    name: Optional[str] = '',
    expected_doublet_rate: Optional[float] = None,
    sim_doublet_ratio: Optional[float] = 2.0,
    n_prin_comps: Optional[int] = 30,
    robust: Optional[bool] = False,
    k: Optional[int] = None,
    n_jobs: Optional[int] = -1,
    random_state: Optional[int] = 0,
    plot_hist: Optional[bool] = True
) -> Union[None, "Figure"]:
    """Calculate doublet scores using Scrublet-like [Wolock18]_ strategy for the current data.X; determine a right threshold based on the KDE curve.
       This function should be called after highly_variable_gene selection.

    data: ``Union[MultimodalData, UnimodalData]`` object.
        Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. Data must be low quality cell and gene filtered and log-transformed. Assume 'raw.X' stores the raw count matrix.

    name: ``str``, optional, default: ``''``
        Name of the sample.

    expected_doublet_rate: ``float``, optional, default: ``None``
        The expected doublet rate for the experiment. By default, calculate the expected rate based on number of cells from the 10x multiplet rate table

    sim_doublet_ratio: ``float``, optional, default: ``2.0``
        The ratio between synthetic doublets and observed cells.

    n_prin_comps: ``int``, optional, default: ``30``
        Number of principal components.

    robust: ``bool``, optional, default: ``False``.
        If true, use 'arpack' instead of 'randomized' for large matrices (i.e. max(X.shape) > 500 and n_components < 0.8 * min(X.shape))

    k: ``int``, optional, default: ``None``
        Number of observed cell neighbors. If None, k = round(0.5 * sqrt(number of observed cells)). Total neighbors k_adj = round(k * (1.0 + sim_doublet_ratio)).

    n_job: ``int``, optional, default: ``-``
        Number of threads to use. If ``-1``, use all available threads.

    random_state: ``int``, optional, default: ``0``
        Random state for doublet simulation, PCA and approximate nearest neighbor search.

    plot_hist: ``bool``, optional, default: ``True``
        If True, plot diagnostic histograms. Each sample would have a figure consisting of 4 panels showing histograms of doublet scores for observed cells (panel 1, density in log scale), simulated doublets (panel 2, density in log scale), KDE plot (panel 3) and signed curvature plot (panel 4) of log doublet scores for simulated doublets.

    ``None`` or a ``matplotlib Figure object`` if

    Update ``data.obs``:
        * ``data.obs['doublet_score']``: The calculated doublet scores on cells.
        * ``data.obs['pred_dbl']``: Predicted doublets as True.

    Update ``data.uns``:
        * ``data.uns['doublet_threshold']``: Inferred doublet threshold; any score > threshold is identified as a neotypic doublet.

    >>> pg.run_scrublet(data)
    from import calculate_nearest_neighbors, simulate_doublets
    from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
    from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde

    if "highly_variable_features" not in data.var:
        raise ValueError("_run_scrublet must be run after highly_variable_features is called!")

    r = sim_doublet_ratio
    if expected_doublet_rate is None:
        expected_doublet_rate = _calc_expected_doublet_rate(data.shape[0])
    rho = expected_doublet_rate

    # subset the raw count matrix
    rawX = data.get_matrix("raw.X")
    obs_umis = rawX.sum(axis = 1, dtype = np.int32).A1
    rawX = rawX[:, data.var["highly_variable_features"].values]
    # Simulate synthetic doublets
    sim_rawX, pair_idx = simulate_doublets(rawX, r, random_state)
    sim_umis = obs_umis[pair_idx].sum(axis = 1, dtype = np.int32)

    # standardize and calculate PCA for rawX
    obsX = rawX.astype(np.float32).toarray()
    obsX /= obs_umis.reshape(-1, 1) # normalize each cell

    m1 = obsX.mean(axis = 0) # calculate mean and std
    psum = np.multiply(obsX, obsX).sum(axis=0)
    std = ((psum - obsX.shape[0] * (m1 ** 2)) / (obsX.shape[0] - 1.0)) ** 0.5
    std[std == 0] = 1

    obsX -= m1 # standardize
    obsX /= std

    svd_solver = "auto" if not robust else ("arpack" if max(obsX.shape) > 500 and n_prin_comps < 0.8 * min(obsX.shape) else "full") # PCA
    pca = PCA(n_components=n_prin_comps, random_state=random_state, svd_solver=svd_solver)
    obs_pca = pca.fit_transform(obsX)

    # standardize and calculate PCA for sim_rawX
    simX = sim_rawX.astype(np.float32).toarray()
    simX /= sim_umis.reshape(-1, 1) # normalize each cell

    simX -= m1 # standardize
    simX /= std

    sim_pca = pca.transform(simX) # transform to PC coordinates

    # concatenate observed and simulated data
    pc_coords = np.vstack((obs_pca, sim_pca))
    is_doublet = np.repeat(np.array([0, 1], dtype = np.int32), [obsX.shape[0], simX.shape[0]])

    # Calculate k nearest neighbors
    if k is None:
        k = int(round(0.5 * np.sqrt(obsX.shape[0])))
    k_adj = int(round(k * (1.0 + r)))
    indices, _ = calculate_nearest_neighbors(pc_coords, K = k_adj + 1, n_jobs = n_jobs)

    # Calculate scrublet-like doublet score
    k_d = is_doublet[indices].sum(axis = 1)
    q = (k_d + 1.0) / (k_adj + 2.0) # Equation 5
    doublet_scores = (q * rho / r) / ((1.0 - rho) - q * (1.0 - rho - rho / r)) # Equation 4
    obs_scores = doublet_scores[0:obsX.shape[0]]
    sim_scores = doublet_scores[obsX.shape[0]:]

    # Determine a scrublet score threshold
    # log transformed
    sim_scores_log = np.log(sim_scores)

    # Estimate KDE
    min_score = sim_scores_log.min()
    max_score = sim_scores_log.max()
    min_gap = np.diff(np.unique(np.sort(sim_scores_log))).min()
    from math import ceil
    n_gap = max(int(ceil((max_score - min_score) / min_gap)), 200) # minimum is 200
    gap = (max_score - min_score) / n_gap

    n_ext = 5
    min_score -= gap * n_ext
    max_score += gap * n_ext
    x = np.linspace(min_score, max_score, n_gap + 1 + n_ext * 2) # generate x coordinates
    kde = gaussian_kde(sim_scores_log)
    y = kde(x)

    # Find local maxima
    maxima, maxima_by_x, filtered_maxima = _find_local_maxima(y)
    assert maxima.size > 0
    curv = _calc_vec_f(_curvature, x.size, y, gap) # calculate curvature

    if maxima.size >= 2:
        pos = _locate_cutoff_among_peaks(y, maxima)
        frac_right_thre = 0.41
        frac_left_thre = 0.39

        pos = -1
        for i in range(maxima_by_x.size):
            frac_right = (sim_scores_log > x[maxima_by_x[i]]).sum() / sim_scores.size
            if frac_right < frac_right_thre: # peak might represent a doublet peak, try to find a cutoff at the left side
                if i == 0:
                    peak_curv_value = _find_curv_minima_at_peak(curv, maxima_by_x[i])
                    end = _find_pos_curv(curv, maxima_by_x[i]-1, '-')
                    start = _find_pos_curv(curv, _find_curv_local_minima(curv, peak_curv_value, filtered_maxima, end-1, '-')+1, '+')
                    assert start <= end
                    pos = curv[start:end+1].argmax() + start
                    pos = y[maxima_by_x[i-1]+1:maxima_by_x[i]].argmin() + (maxima_by_x[i-1]+1)

                frac_left = (sim_scores_log < x[pos]).sum() / sim_scores.size    
                if frac_left < frac_left_thre:
                    pos = maxima_by_x[i]


        if pos < 0:
            # peak represents embedded doublets, find a cutoff at the right side
            peak_curv_value = _find_curv_minima_at_peak(curv, maxima_by_x[-1])
            start = _find_pos_curv(curv, maxima_by_x[-1]+1, '+')
            end = _find_pos_curv(curv, _find_curv_local_minima(curv, peak_curv_value, filtered_maxima, start+1, '+')-1, '-')
            assert start <= end
            pos = curv[start:end+1].argmax() + start

    threshold = np.exp(x[pos])

    data.obs["doublet_score"] = obs_scores.astype(np.float32)
    data.obs["pred_dbl"] = obs_scores > threshold
    data.uns["doublet_threshold"] = float(threshold)"Sample {name}: doublet threshold = {threshold:.4f}; total cells = {data.shape[0]}; neotypic doublet rate = {data.obs['pred_dbl'].sum() / data.shape[0]:.2%}")
    fig = None
    if plot_hist:
        fig = _plot_hist(obs_scores, sim_scores, threshold, x, y, curv)
    return fig

def _identify_doublets_fisher(cluster_labels: Union[pd.Categorical, List[int]], pred_dbl: List[bool], alpha: float = 0.05) -> pd.DataFrame:
    df = pd.crosstab(cluster_labels, pred_dbl)

    ndbl = df[True].sum()
    a = df[True].values.astype(np.int32)
    b = df[False].values.astype(np.int32)
    c = ndbl - a
    d = (pred_dbl.size - ndbl) - b

    avg_dblr = ndbl / pred_dbl.size
    freqs = a / (a + b)

    from pegasus.cylib.cfisher import fisher_exact
    from statsmodels.stats.multitest import fdrcorrection as fdr
    _, pvals = fisher_exact(a, b, c, d)
    passed, qvals = fdr(pvals, alpha = alpha)

    posvec = np.where(passed)[0][freqs[passed] > avg_dblr]

    result = pd.DataFrame({'cluster': df.index[posvec], 'percentage': freqs[posvec] * 100.0, 'pval': pvals[posvec], 'qval': qvals[posvec]})
    result.sort_values('percentage', ascending = False, inplace = True)
    result.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

    return result

[docs]@timer(logger=logger) def infer_doublets( data: MultimodalData, channel_attr: Optional[str] = None, clust_attr: Optional[str] = None, min_cell: Optional[int] = 100, expected_doublet_rate: Optional[float] = None, sim_doublet_ratio: Optional[float] = 2.0, n_prin_comps: Optional[int] = 30, robust: Optional[bool] = False, k: Optional[int] = None, n_jobs: Optional[int] = -1, alpha: Optional[float] = 0.05, random_state: Optional[int] = 0, plot_hist: Optional[str] = "sample", ) -> None: """Infer doublets using a Scrublet-like strategy. [Li20-2]_ This function must be called after clustering. Parameters ---------- data: ``pegasusio.MultimodalData`` Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. channel_attr: ``str``, optional, default: None Attribute indicating sample channels. If set, calculate scrublet-like doublet scores per channel. clust_attr: ``str``, optional, default: None Attribute indicating cluster labels. If set, estimate proportion of doublets in each cluster and statistical significance. min_cell: ``int``, optional, default: 100 Minimum number of cells per sample to calculate doublet scores. For samples having less than 'min_cell' cells, doublet score calculation will be skipped. expected_doublet_rate: ``float``, optional, default: ``None`` The expected doublet rate for the experiment. By default, calculate the expected rate based on number of cells from the 10x multiplet rate table sim_doublet_ratio: ``float``, optional, default: ``2.0`` The ratio between synthetic doublets and observed cells. n_prin_comps: ``int``, optional, default: ``30`` Number of principal components. robust: ``bool``, optional, default: ``False``. If true, use 'arpack' instead of 'randomized' for large matrices (i.e. max(X.shape) > 500 and n_components < 0.8 * min(X.shape)) k: ``int``, optional, default: ``None`` Number of observed cell neighbors. If None, k = round(0.5 * sqrt(number of observed cells)). Total neighbors k_adj = round(k * (1.0 + sim_doublet_ratio)). n_jobs: ``int``, optional, default: ``-1`` Number of threads to use. If ``-1``, use all available threads. alpha: ``float``, optional, default: ``0.05`` FDR significant level for cluster-level fisher exact test. random_state: ``int``, optional, default: ``0`` Random seed for reproducing results. plot_hist: ``str``, optional, default: ``sample`` If not None, plot diagnostic histograms using ``plot_hist`` as the prefix. If `channel_attr` is None, ``plot_hist.dbl.png`` is generated; Otherwise, ``plot_hist.channel_name.dbl.png`` files are generated. Each figure consists of 4 panels showing histograms of doublet scores for observed cells (panel 1, density in log scale), simulated doublets (panel 2, density in log scale), KDE plot (panel 3) and signed curvature plot (panel 4) of log doublet scores for simulated doublets. Returns ------- ``None`` Update ``data.obs``: * ``data.obs['pred_dbl_type']``: Predicted singlet/doublet types. * ``data.uns['pred_dbl_cluster']``: Only generated if 'clust_attr' is not None. This is a dataframe with two columns, 'Cluster' and 'Qval'. Only clusters with significantly more doublets than expected will be recorded here. Examples -------- >>> pg.infer_doublets(data, channel_attr = 'Channel', clust_attr = 'Annotation') """ assert data.get_modality() == "rna" try: rawX = data.get_matrix("raw.X") except ValueError: raise ValueError("Cannot detect the raw count matrix raw.X; stop inferring doublets!") if_plot = plot_hist is not None if channel_attr is None: if data.shape[0] >= min_cell: fig = _run_scrublet(data, expected_doublet_rate = expected_doublet_rate, sim_doublet_ratio = sim_doublet_ratio, \ n_prin_comps = n_prin_comps, robust = robust, k = k, n_jobs = n_jobs, random_state = random_state, \ plot_hist = if_plot) if if_plot: fig.savefig(f"{plot_hist}.dbl.png") else: logger.warning(f"Data has {data.shape[0]} < {min_cell} cells and thus doublet score calculation is skipped!") data.obs["doublet_score"] = 0.0 data.obs["pred_dbl"] = False else: from pandas.api.types import is_categorical_dtype from import identify_robust_genes, log_norm, highly_variable_features assert is_categorical_dtype(data.obs[channel_attr]) genome = data.get_genome() modality = data.get_modality() channels = data.obs[channel_attr].cat.categories dbl_score = np.zeros(data.shape[0], dtype = np.float32) pred_dbl = np.zeros(data.shape[0], dtype = np.bool_) thresholds = {} for channel in channels: # Generate a new unidata object for the channel idx = np.where(data.obs[channel_attr] == channel)[0] if idx.size >= min_cell: unidata = UnimodalData({"barcodekey": data.obs_names[idx]}, {"featurekey": data.var_names}, {"X": rawX[idx]}, {"genome": genome, "modality": modality}) # Identify robust genes, count and log normalized and select top 2,000 highly variable features identify_robust_genes(unidata) log_norm(unidata) highly_variable_features(unidata) # Run _run_scrublet fig = _run_scrublet(unidata, name = channel, expected_doublet_rate = expected_doublet_rate, sim_doublet_ratio = sim_doublet_ratio, \ n_prin_comps = n_prin_comps, robust = robust, k = k, n_jobs = n_jobs, random_state = random_state, \ plot_hist = if_plot) if if_plot: fig.savefig(f"{plot_hist}.{channel}.dbl.png") dbl_score[idx] = unidata.obs["doublet_score"].values pred_dbl[idx] = unidata.obs["pred_dbl"].values thresholds[channel] = unidata.uns["doublet_threshold"] else: logger.warning(f"Channel {channel} has {idx.size} < {min_cell} cells and thus doublet score calculation is skipped!") data.obs["doublet_score"] = dbl_score data.obs["pred_dbl"] = pred_dbl data.uns["doublet_thresholds"] = thresholds if clust_attr is not None: data.uns["pred_dbl_cluster"] = _identify_doublets_fisher(data.obs[clust_attr].values, data.obs["pred_dbl"].values, alpha = alpha)'Doublets are predicted!')
[docs]def mark_doublets( data: MultimodalData, demux_attr: Optional[str] = 'demux_type', dbl_clusts: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Convert doublet prediction into doublet annotations that Pegasus can recognize. In addition, clusters in dbl_clusts will be marked as doublets. Must run ``infer_doublets`` first. Parameters ---------- data: ``pegasusio.MultimodalData`` Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. demux_attr: ``str``, optional, default: ``demux_type`` Attribute indicating singlets/doublets that Pegasus can recognize. Currently this is 'demux_type', which is also used for hashing. dbl_clusts: ``str``, optional, default: None Indicate which clusters should be marked as all doublets. It takes the format of 'clust:value1,value2,...', where 'clust' refers to the cluster attribute. Returns ------- ``None`` Update ``data.obs``: * ``data.obs[demux_attr]``: Singlet/doublet annotation. Examples -------- >>> pg.mark_doublets(data, dbl_clusts='Annotation:B/T doublets') """ codes = data.obs["pred_dbl"].values.astype(np.int32) if dbl_clusts is not None: cluster, value_str = dbl_clusts.split(':') idx = np.isin(data.obs[cluster], value_str.split(',')) codes[idx] = 1 data.obs[demux_attr] = pd.Categorical.from_codes(codes, categories = ["singlet", "doublet"])