Source code for

import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pegasusio import MultimodalData
from natsort import natsorted

from threadpoolctl import threadpool_limits
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from typing import List, Optional, Union

from import eff_n_jobs, construct_graph, calc_stat_per_batch

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from pegasusio import timer

def _calc_trans_distor(X: np.ndarray, labels: np.ndarray, Y: float) -> float:
    """ Calculate transformed distortion function for the jump method  """
    _, means, _ = calc_stat_per_batch(X, labels)
    distor = (((X - means.T[labels,:]) ** 2).sum() / X.shape[0] / X.shape[1])
    trans_distor = distor ** (-Y)
    return trans_distor

def jump_method(
    data: MultimodalData,
    rep: str = "pca",
    K_max: int = 40,
    Y: float = None,
    n_jobs: int = -1,
    random_state: int = 0,
) -> None:
    """ Determine the optimal number of clusters using the Jump Method. [Sugar and James, 2003]_

    data: ``pegasusio.MultimodalData``
        Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes.

    rep: ``str``, optional, default: ``"pca"``
        The embedding representation used for clustering. Keyword ``'X_' + rep`` must exist in ``data.obsm``. By default, use PCA coordinates.

    K_max: ``int``, optional, default: 40
        The maximum number of clusters to try.

    Y: ``float``, optional, default: ``None``
        The transformation power used. If None, use min(data.shape[1] / 3.0, 3.0).

    n_jobs : `int`, optional (default: -1)
        Number of threads to use. -1 refers to using all physical CPU cores.

    random_state: ``int``, optional, default: ``0``
        Random seed for reproducing results.


    Update ``data.uns``:
        * ``data.obs[jump_values]``: Jump values (difference of adjacent transformed distortion values)

    >>> pg.jump_method(data)
    X = data.obsm[f"X_{rep}"]
    Y = min(data.shape[1] / 3.0, 3.0) if Y is None else Y"Jump method: Y = {Y:.3f}.")

    n_jobs = eff_n_jobs(n_jobs)
    jump_values = np.zeros(K_max, dtype = np.float64)
    v_old = v = 0.0
    for k in range(1, K_max + 1):
        with threadpool_limits(limits = n_jobs):
            kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters = k, random_state = random_state).fit(X)
        v = _calc_trans_distor(X, kmeans.labels_, Y)
        jump_values[k - 1] = v - v_old
        v_old = v"K = {k} is finished, jump_value = {jump_values[k - 1]:.6f}.")
    optimal_k = np.argmax(jump_values) + 1

    data.uns[f"{rep}_jump_values"] = jump_values
    data.uns[f"{rep}_optimal_k"] = optimal_k"Jump method finished. Optimal K = {optimal_k}.")

def _run_community_detection(algo, module, G, resolution, random_state, n_iter = -1):
    partition_type = module.RBConfigurationVertexPartition
    if algo == "louvain":
        partition = partition_type(G, resolution_parameter=resolution, weights="weight")
        optimiser = module.Optimiser()
        diff = optimiser.optimise_partition(partition)
        partition = module.find_partition(
    return partition.membership

def _find_optimal_resolution(algo, module, optimal_k, resol_max, G, random_state, n_iter = -1):
    resol = None
    membership = None

    resol_l = 0.01
    resol_r = resol_max
    while resol_r - resol_l > 0.05:
        resol_mid = (resol_l + resol_r) / 2.0
        membership_mid = _run_community_detection(algo, module, G, resol_mid, random_state, n_iter)
        k = max(membership_mid) + 1"_find_optimal_resolution: resol = {resol_mid:.4f}, k = {k}, optimal_k = {optimal_k}.")
        if k >= optimal_k:
            resol_r = resol_mid
            resol = resol_mid
            membership = membership_mid
            resol_l = resol_mid

    if resol is None:
        resol = resol_r
        membership = _run_community_detection(algo, module, G, resol, random_state, n_iter)
        k = max(membership_mid) + 1"_find_optimal_resolution: resol = {resol:.4f}, k = {k}, optimal_k = {optimal_k}.")

    return resol, membership

[docs]@timer(logger=logger) def louvain( data: MultimodalData, rep: str = "pca", resolution: int = 1.3, n_clust: int = None, random_state: int = 0, class_label: str = "louvain_labels", ) -> None: """Cluster the cells using Louvain algorithm. [Blondel08]_ Parameters ---------- data: ``pegasusio.MultimodalData`` Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. rep: ``str``, optional, default: ``"pca"`` The embedding representation used for clustering. Keyword ``'X_' + rep`` must exist in ``data.obsm`` and nearest neighbors must be calculated so that affinity matrix ``'W_' + rep`` exists in ``data.uns``. By default, use PCA coordinates. resolution: ``int``, optional, default: ``1.3`` Resolution factor. Higher resolution tends to find more clusters with smaller sizes. n_clust: ``int``, optional, default: ``None`` This option only takes effect if 'resolution = None'. Try to find an appropriate resolution by binary search such that the total number of clusters matches 'n_clust'. The range of resolution to search is (0.01, 2.0]. random_state: ``int``, optional, default: ``0`` Random seed for reproducing results. class_label: ``str``, optional, default: ``"louvain_labels"`` Key name for storing cluster labels in ``data.obs``. Returns ------- ``None`` Update ``data.obs``: * ``data.obs[class_label]``: Cluster labels of cells as categorical data. Examples -------- >>> pg.louvain(data) """ try: import louvain as louvain_module except ImportError: import sys logger.error("Need louvain! Try 'pip install louvain'.") sys.exit(-1) rep_key = "W_" + rep if rep_key not in data.obsp: raise ValueError("Cannot find affinity matrix. Please run neighbors first!") W = data.obsp[rep_key] G = construct_graph(W) if resolution is not None: membership = _run_community_detection("louvain", louvain_module, G, resolution, random_state) else: assert isinstance(n_clust, int) resolution, membership = _find_optimal_resolution("louvain", louvain_module, n_clust, 2.0, G, random_state) data.uns["louvain_resolution"] = resolution labels = np.array([str(x + 1) for x in membership]) categories = natsorted(np.unique(labels)) data.obs[class_label] = pd.Categorical(values=labels, categories=categories) data.register_attr(class_label, "cluster") n_clusters = data.obs[class_label].cat.categories.size"Louvain clustering is done. Get {n_clusters} clusters.")
[docs]@timer(logger=logger) def leiden( data: MultimodalData, rep: str = "pca", resolution: int = 1.3, n_clust: int = None, n_iter: int = -1, random_state: int = 0, class_label: str = "leiden_labels", ) -> None: """Cluster the data using Leiden algorithm. [Traag19]_ Parameters ---------- data: ``pegasusio.MultimodalData`` Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. rep: ``str``, optional, default: ``"pca"`` The embedding representation used for clustering. Keyword ``'X_' + rep`` must exist in ``data.obsm`` and nearest neighbors must be calculated so that affinity matrix ``'W_' + rep`` exists in ``data.uns``. By default, use PCA coordinates. resolution: ``int``, optional, default: ``1.3`` Resolution factor. Higher resolution tends to find more clusters. n_clust: ``int``, optional, default: ``None`` This option only takes effect if 'resolution = None'. Try to find an appropriate resolution by binary search such that the total number of clusters matches 'n_clust'. The range of resolution to search is (0.01, 2.0]. n_iter: ``int``, optional, default: ``-1`` Number of iterations that Leiden algorithm runs. If ``-1``, run the algorithm until reaching its optimal clustering. random_state: ``int``, optional, default: ``0`` Random seed for reproducing results. class_label: ``str``, optional, default: ``"leiden_labels"`` Key name for storing cluster labels in ``data.obs``. Returns ------- ``None`` Update ``data.obs``: * ``data.obs[class_label]``: Cluster labels of cells as categorical data. Examples -------- >>> pg.leiden(data) """ try: import leidenalg except ImportError: import sys logger.error("Need leidenalg! Try 'pip install leidenalg'.") sys.exit(-1) rep_key = "W_" + rep if rep_key not in data.obsp: raise ValueError("Cannot find affinity matrix. Please run neighbors first!") W = data.obsp[rep_key] G = construct_graph(W) if resolution is not None: membership = _run_community_detection("leiden", leidenalg, G, resolution, random_state, n_iter) else: assert isinstance(n_clust, int) resolution, membership = _find_optimal_resolution("leiden", leidenalg, n_clust, 2.0, G, random_state, n_iter) data.uns["leiden_resolution"] = resolution labels = np.array([str(x + 1) for x in membership]) categories = natsorted(np.unique(labels)) data.obs[class_label] = pd.Categorical(values=labels, categories=categories) data.register_attr(class_label, "cluster") n_clusters = data.obs[class_label].cat.categories.size"Leiden clustering is done. Get {n_clusters} clusters.")
def partition_cells_by_kmeans( X: np.ndarray, n_clusters: int, n_clusters2: int, n_init: int, n_jobs: int, random_state: int, min_avg_cells_per_final_cluster: Optional[int] = 10, ) -> List[int]: n_clusters = min(n_clusters, max(X.shape[0] // min_avg_cells_per_final_cluster, 1)) if n_clusters == 1: return np.zeros(X.shape[0], dtype = np.int32) n_jobs = eff_n_jobs(n_jobs) kmeans_params = { 'n_clusters': n_clusters, 'n_init': n_init, 'random_state': random_state, } km = KMeans(**kmeans_params) with threadpool_limits(limits = n_jobs): coarse = km.labels_.copy() km.set_params(n_init=1) labels = coarse.copy() base_sum = 0 for i in range(n_clusters): idx = coarse == i nc = min(n_clusters2, max(idx.sum() // min_avg_cells_per_final_cluster, 1)) if nc == 1: labels[idx] = base_sum else: km.set_params(n_clusters=nc)[idx, :]) labels[idx] = base_sum + km.labels_ base_sum += nc return labels
[docs]@timer(logger=logger) def spectral_louvain( data: MultimodalData, rep: str = "pca", resolution: float = 1.3, rep_kmeans: str = "diffmap", n_clusters: int = 30, n_clusters2: int = 50, n_init: int = 10, n_jobs: int = -1, random_state: int = 0, class_label: str = "spectral_louvain_labels", ) -> None: """ Cluster the data using Spectral Louvain algorithm. [Li20]_ Parameters ---------- data: ``pegasusio.MultimodalData`` Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. rep: ``str``, optional, default: ``"pca"`` The embedding representation used for clustering. Keyword ``'X_' + rep`` must exist in ``data.obsm``. By default, use PCA coordinates. resolution: ``int``, optional, default: ``1.3`` Resolution factor. Higher resolution tends to find more clusters with smaller sizes. rep_kmeans: ``str``, optional, default: ``"diffmap"`` The embedding representation on which the KMeans runs. Keyword must exist in ``data.obsm``. By default, use Diffusion Map coordinates. If diffmap is not calculated, use PCA coordinates instead. n_clusters: ``int``, optional, default: ``30`` The number of first level clusters. n_clusters2: ``int``, optional, default: ``50`` The number of second level clusters. n_init: ``int``, optional, default: ``10`` Number of kmeans tries for the first level clustering. Default is set to be the same as scikit-learn Kmeans function. n_jobs : `int`, optional (default: -1) Number of threads to use for the KMeans step. -1 refers to using all physical CPU cores. random_state: ``int``, optional, default: ``0`` Random seed for reproducing results. class_label: ``str``, optional, default: ``"spectral_louvain_labels"`` Key name for storing cluster labels in ``data.obs``. Returns ------- ``None`` Update ``data.obs``: * ``data.obs[class_label]``: Cluster labels for cells as categorical data. Examples -------- >>> pg.spectral_louvain(data) """ try: import louvain as louvain_module except ImportError: import sys logger.error("Need louvain! Try 'pip install louvain'.") sys.exit(-1) if f"X_{rep_kmeans}" not in data.obsm.keys(): logger.warning(f"{rep_kmeans} is not calculated, switch to pca instead.") rep_kmeans = "pca" if f"X_{rep_kmeans}" not in data.obsm.keys(): raise ValueError(f"Please run {rep_kmeans} first!") if f"W_{rep}" not in data.obsp: raise ValueError("Cannot find affinity matrix. Please run neighbors first!") labels = partition_cells_by_kmeans( data.obsm[f"X_{rep_kmeans}"], n_clusters, n_clusters2, n_init, n_jobs, random_state, ) W = data.obsp[f"W_{rep}"] G = construct_graph(W) partition_type = louvain_module.RBConfigurationVertexPartition partition = partition_type( G, resolution_parameter=resolution, weights="weight", initial_membership=labels ) partition_agg = partition.aggregate_partition() optimiser = louvain_module.Optimiser() optimiser.set_rng_seed(random_state) diff = optimiser.optimise_partition(partition_agg) partition.from_coarse_partition(partition_agg) labels = np.array([str(x + 1) for x in partition.membership]) categories = natsorted(np.unique(labels)) data.obs[class_label] = pd.Categorical(values=labels, categories=categories) data.register_attr(class_label, "cluster") n_clusters = data.obs[class_label].cat.categories.size"Spectral Louvain clustering is done. Get {n_clusters} clusters.")
[docs]@timer(logger=logger) def spectral_leiden( data: MultimodalData, rep: str = "pca", resolution: float = 1.3, rep_kmeans: str = "diffmap", n_clusters: int = 30, n_clusters2: int = 50, n_init: int = 10, n_jobs: int = -1, random_state: int = 0, class_label: str = "spectral_leiden_labels", ) -> None: """Cluster the data using Spectral Leiden algorithm. [Li20]_ Parameters ---------- data: ``pegasusio.MultimodalData`` Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. rep: ``str``, optional, default: ``"pca"`` The embedding representation used for clustering. Keyword ``'X_' + rep`` must exist in ``data.obsm``. By default, use PCA coordinates. resolution: ``int``, optional, default: ``1.3`` Resolution factor. Higher resolution tends to find more clusters. rep_kmeans: ``str``, optional, default: ``"diffmap"`` The embedding representation on which the KMeans runs. Keyword must exist in ``data.obsm``. By default, use Diffusion Map coordinates. If diffmap is not calculated, use PCA coordinates instead. n_clusters: ``int``, optional, default: ``30`` The number of first level clusters. n_clusters2: ``int``, optional, default: ``50`` The number of second level clusters. n_init: ``int``, optional, default: ``10`` Number of kmeans tries for the first level clustering. Default is set to be the same as scikit-learn Kmeans function. n_jobs : `int`, optional (default: -1) Number of threads to use for the KMeans step. -1 refers to using all physical CPU cores. random_state: ``int``, optional, default: ``0`` Random seed for reproducing results. class_label: ``str``, optional, default: ``"spectral_leiden_labels"`` Key name for storing cluster labels in ``data.obs``. Returns ------- ``None`` Update ``data.obs``: * ``data.obs[class_label]``: Cluster labels for cells as categorical data. Examples -------- >>> pg.spectral_leiden(data) """ try: import leidenalg except ImportError: import sys logger.error("Need leidenalg! Try 'pip install leidenalg'.") sys.exit(-1) if f"X_{rep_kmeans}" not in data.obsm.keys(): logger.warning(f"{rep_kmeans} is not calculated, switch to pca instead.") rep_kmeans = "pca" if f"X_{rep_kmeans}" not in data.obsm.keys(): raise ValueError(f"Please run {rep_kmeans} first!") if f"W_{rep}" not in data.obsp: raise ValueError("Cannot find affinity matrix. Please run neighbors first!") labels = partition_cells_by_kmeans( data.obsm[f"X_{rep_kmeans}"], n_clusters, n_clusters2, n_init, n_jobs, random_state, ) W = data.obsp[f"W_{rep}"] G = construct_graph(W) partition_type = leidenalg.RBConfigurationVertexPartition partition = partition_type( G, resolution_parameter=resolution, weights="weight", initial_membership=labels ) partition_agg = partition.aggregate_partition() optimiser = leidenalg.Optimiser() optimiser.set_rng_seed(random_state) diff = optimiser.optimise_partition(partition_agg, -1) partition.from_coarse_partition(partition_agg) labels = np.array([str(x + 1) for x in partition.membership]) categories = natsorted(np.unique(labels)) data.obs[class_label] = pd.Categorical(values=labels, categories=categories) data.register_attr(class_label, "cluster") n_clusters = data.obs[class_label].cat.categories.size"Spectral Leiden clustering is done. Get {n_clusters} clusters.")
[docs]def cluster( data: MultimodalData, algo: str = "louvain", rep: str = "pca", resolution: int = 1.3, n_jobs: int = -1, random_state: int = 0, class_label: str = None, n_iter: int = -1, rep_kmeans: str = "diffmap", n_clusters: int = 30, n_clusters2: int = 50, n_init: int = 10, ) -> None: """Cluster the data using the chosen algorithm. Candidates are *louvain*, *leiden*, *spectral_louvain* and *spectral_leiden*. If data have < 1000 cells and there are clusters with sizes of 1, resolution is automatically reduced until no cluster of size 1 appears. Parameters ---------- data: ``pegasusio.MultimodalData`` Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. algo: ``str``, optional, default: ``"louvain"`` Which clustering algorithm to use. Choices are louvain, leiden, spectral_louvain, spectral_leiden rep: ``str``, optional, default: ``"pca"`` The embedding representation used for clustering. Keyword ``'X_' + rep`` must exist in ``data.obsm``. By default, use PCA coordinates. resolution: ``int``, optional, default: ``1.3`` Resolution factor. Higher resolution tends to find more clusters. n_jobs : `int`, optional (default: -1) Number of threads to use for the KMeans step in 'spectral_louvain' and 'spectral_leiden'. -1 refers to using all physical CPU cores. random_state: ``int``, optional, default: ``0`` Random seed for reproducing results. class_label: ``str``, optional, default: None Key name for storing cluster labels in ``data.obs``. If None, use 'algo_labels'. n_iter: ``int``, optional, default: ``-1`` Number of iterations that Leiden algorithm runs. If ``-1``, run the algorithm until reaching its optimal clustering. rep_kmeans: ``str``, optional, default: ``"diffmap"`` The embedding representation on which the KMeans runs. Keyword must exist in ``data.obsm``. By default, use Diffusion Map coordinates. If diffmap is not calculated, use PCA coordinates instead. n_clusters: ``int``, optional, default: ``30`` The number of first level clusters. n_clusters2: ``int``, optional, default: ``50`` The number of second level clusters. n_init: ``int``, optional, default: ``10`` Number of kmeans tries for the first level clustering. Default is set to be the same as scikit-learn Kmeans function. Returns ------- ``None`` Update ``data.obs``: * ``data.obs[class_label]``: Cluster labels of cells as categorical data. Examples -------- >>> pg.cluster(data, algo = 'leiden') """ if algo not in {"louvain", "leiden", "spectral_louvain", "spectral_leiden"}: raise ValueError("Unknown clustering algorithm {}.".format(algo)) if class_label is None: class_label = algo + "_labels" kwargs = { "data": data, "rep": rep, "resolution": resolution, "random_state": random_state, "class_label": class_label, } if algo == "leiden": kwargs["n_iter"] = n_iter if algo in ["spectral_louvain", "spectral_leiden"]: kwargs.update( { "rep_kmeans": rep_kmeans, "n_clusters": n_clusters, "n_clusters2": n_clusters2, "n_init": n_init, "n_jobs": n_jobs, } ) cluster_func = globals()[algo] cluster_func(**kwargs) # clustering if data.shape[0] < 100000 and data.obs[class_label].value_counts().min() == 1: new_resol = resolution while new_resol > 0.0: new_resol -= 0.1 kwargs["resolution"] = new_resol cluster_func(**kwargs) if data.obs[class_label].value_counts().min() > 1: break logger.warning( "Reduced resolution from {:.2f} to {:.2f} to avoid clusters of size 1.".format( resolution, new_resol ) )
def split_one_cluster( data: MultimodalData, clust_label: str, clust_id: str, n_clust: int, res_label: str, rep: str = "pca", random_state: int = 0, ) -> None: """ Use Leiden algorithm to split 'clust_id' in 'clust_label' into 'n_components' clusters and write the new clusting results to 'res_label'. Assume 'clust_label' named clusters as numbers (in str format). Parameters ---------- data: ``pegasusio.MultimodalData`` Annotated data matrix with rows for cells and columns for genes. clust_label: `str` Use existing clustering stored in data.obs['clust_label']. clust_id: `str` Cluster ID in data.obs['clust_label']. n_clust: `int` Split 'clust_id' into `n_clust' subclusters. res_label: `str`, Write new clustering in data.obs['res_label']. The largest subcluster will use 'clust_id' as its cluster ID, while other subclusters will be numbered after existing clusters. rep: ``str``, optional, default: ``"pca"`` The embedding representation used for Kmeans clustering. Keyword ``'X_' + rep`` must exist in ``data.obsm``. By default, use PCA coordinates. n_jobs : `int`, optional (default: -1) Number of threads to use for the KMeans step in 'spectral_louvain' and 'spectral_leiden'. -1 refers to using all physical CPU cores. random_state: ``int``, optional, default: ``0`` Random seed for reproducing results. Returns ------- ``None`` Update ``data.obs``: * ``data.obs[res_label]``: New cluster labels of cells as categorical data. Examples -------- >>> pg.split_one_cluster(data, 'leiden_labels', '15', 2, 'leiden_labels_split') """ idx = np.where(data.obs[clust_label] == clust_id)[0] tmpdat = data[idx].copy() from import neighbors neighbors(tmpdat, rep=rep, use_cache=False) leiden(tmpdat, rep=rep, resolution=None, n_clust=n_clust, random_state=random_state) new_clust = data.obs[clust_label].values.astype(int) new_label = new_clust.max() + 1 for label in tmpdat.obs['leiden_labels'].value_counts().index[1:]: new_clust[idx[(tmpdat.obs['leiden_labels'] == label).values]] = new_label new_label += 1 data.obs[res_label] = pd.Categorical(values = new_clust.astype(str), categories = np.array(range(1, new_label)).astype(str)) data.register_attr(res_label, "cluster") del tmpdat